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Questions to Ask a Custody Lawyer When You’re Not Married or Living Together

Child custody matters can be challenging, especially when you’re not married or living with the other parent.

Engaging a custody lawyer can help clarify your rights and responsibilities and ensure the best interests of your child are prioritized.

Here are essential questions to ask a custody lawyer in this situation.

1. Questions About Parental Rights and Responsibilities

What Are My Parental Rights if I’m Not Married?

Even if you are not married, both parents typically have rights and responsibilities toward their child. It’s important to understand:

  • Legal Custody: Who has the right to make major decisions about the child’s upbringing, education, healthcare, and religion?
  • Physical Custody: Where will the child live, and how will the living arrangements be structured?
  • Visitation Rights: How will visitation be determined if one parent does not have primary physical custody?

How Is Paternity Established?

For fathers, establishing paternity is crucial for obtaining custody or visitation rights. Ask your lawyer:

  • What steps are involved in establishing paternity legally?
  • Are there different procedures if paternity is contested?
  • What documentation or evidence is required?

What Factors Does the Court Consider in Custody Decisions?

Understanding what influences custody decisions can help you prepare your case. Important factors include:

  • The child’s best interests.
  • The child’s relationship with each parent.
  • Each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s physical, emotional, and educational needs.
  • Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse.

2. Legal Process for Establishing Custody and Visitation

How Do I File for Custody or Visitation?

Knowing the process can help you take the necessary steps:

  • What forms and documents need to be filed?
  • Are there any specific local court rules or procedures to follow?
  • What are the typical timelines for these cases?

What Happens During a Custody Hearing?

Prepare for what to expect during court proceedings:

  • How should I present my case to the judge?
  • What kind of evidence is most persuasive?
  • Can witnesses be called to support my case?

Can Custody Arrangements Be Modified?

Life circumstances can change, necessitating a review of custody arrangements:

  • Under what conditions can custody or visitation agreements be modified?
  • What is the process for requesting a modification?
  • How does the court determine if a modification is in the child’s best interest?

3. Questions About Major Decisions for the Child

How Is Child Support Determined?

Child support is a crucial aspect of custody arrangements. Ask about:

  • How is child support calculated?
  • What factors influence the amount of support?
  • How are payments enforced?

What If We Disagree on Major Decisions?

Disagreements are common and can be challenging to navigate:

  • How are disputes over major decisions typically resolved?
  • Can mediation or arbitration be used to settle disagreements?
  • What role does the court play in these disputes?

What Should I Know About Relocation?

If one parent plans to move, it can significantly impact custody arrangements:

  • What are the legal requirements for relocating with the child?
  • How does the court assess relocation requests?
  • What factors are considered in approving or denying a move?

4. Legal Decision-Making for Your Child

How Are Educational and Medical Decisions Made?

If you share legal custody, both parents must be involved in major decisions:

  • How are decisions about schooling and medical care handled?
  • What if there is a disagreement on these decisions?
  • Can one parent make emergency decisions without the other’s consent?

How Can We Create a Parenting Plan?

A detailed parenting plan can help prevent disputes:

  • What should be included in a parenting plan?
  • How specific should the plan be regarding schedules, holidays, and special occasions?
  • Can the parenting plan be flexible, and how are changes handled?

5. Practical Considerations

How Do We Communicate About Our Child?

Effective communication is vital for co-parenting:

  • What tools or methods are recommended for communication?
  • How can we keep communication focused on the child’s needs?
  • What should we do if communication breaks down?

What Are My Rights If My Ex-Partner Is Uncooperative?

If your ex-partner is not complying with the custody agreement:

  • What legal recourse do I have?
  • How are violations of custody agreements handled by the court?
  • Can custody arrangements be enforced or modified in these cases?
