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False Restraining Order Penalties and Consequences Explained

Filing a restraining order is a serious legal action intended to protect individuals from harassment, abuse, or threats.

However, when someone files a false restraining order, it not only undermines the integrity of the judicial system but also causes significant harm to the person falsely accused.

This comprehensive guide will guide you about the legal ramifications, potential penalties, and broader consequences of filing a false restraining order. Understanding these penalties and the consequences of filing a false restraining order is crucial for anyone considering this legal avenue.

What Constitutes a False Restraining Order?

Definition and Criteria

A false restraining order occurs when someone knowingly provides false information or fabricates evidence to obtain a protective order against another person. The intent behind filing a false restraining order is often to gain an advantage in personal disputes, such as custody battles, or to harass and defame the accused.

For a restraining order to be deemed false:

  1. The filer must knowingly provide false information.
  2. There should be a lack of credible evidence supporting the claims.
  3. The intent must be to deceive the court and cause harm to the accused.

Common Motivations

False restraining orders can stem from various motivations, including:

  • Revenge or retaliation
  • Gaining leverage in divorce or custody disputes
  • Harassment or defamation
  • Financial gain or property disputes

Legal Consequences of Filing a False Restraining Order

Perjury Charges

One of the most immediate legal consequences of filing a false restraining order is a perjury charge. Perjury is the act of knowingly making false statements under oath. In most jurisdictions, perjury is considered a felony, punishable by fines, imprisonment, or both.


In the United States, perjury under federal law is punishable by up to five years in prison and significant fines. State laws may vary, but the penalties are generally severe.

Contempt of Court

Filing a false restraining order can also lead to contempt of court charges. Contempt of court refers to behavior that disrespects or disobeys the authority, justice, and dignity of the court. This can include providing false testimony or submitting falsified documents.


A person found in contempt of court for filing a false restraining order could face penalties such as fines, jail time, community service, or mandatory counseling.

Civil Liability

Beyond criminal charges, the filer of a false restraining order can face civil liability. The falsely accused individual can sue for damages, including emotional distress, legal fees, and reputational harm. Civil lawsuits can result in substantial financial penalties for the offender.


In a civil lawsuit, the plaintiff (falsely accused) must prove that the defendant (filer of the false restraining order) acted with malice and caused harm. If successful, the court may award compensatory and punitive damages to the plaintiff.

Broader Consequences of Filing a False Restraining Order

Impact on Custody and Divorce Proceedings

False accusations can have a profound impact on family law proceedings, such as divorce and child custody cases. Courts take allegations of abuse and harassment very seriously.

If it is discovered that a restraining order was falsely filed, it can significantly harm the filer’s credibility and affect the outcome of custody and divorce settlements.

Filing a false restraining order can backfire in family law cases. Judges do not look kindly on those who manipulate the system for personal gain, and it can severely impact custody and visitation rights.

Damage to Reputation and Relationships

Being found guilty of filing a false restraining order can lead to lasting damage to one’s reputation and relationships.

Friends, family, and professional connections may view the filer with suspicion and distrust. Rebuilding trust and repairing relationships can be a long and challenging process.

Emotional and Psychological Consequences

The emotional and psychological toll of filing a false restraining order can be significant.

The guilt and stress associated with legal proceedings, potential penalties, and damaged relationships can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Preventing False Restraining Orders

Legal Advice and Representation

Before filing a restraining order, it is crucial to seek legal advice and representation.

An experienced attorney can help determine whether the circumstances warrant a restraining order and guide you through the legal process. This can prevent the filing of unfounded or false claims.

Gathering Credible Evidence

Ensure that all claims made in a restraining order application are supported by credible evidence.

This can include witness statements, medical records, police reports, and other documentation. Providing solid evidence strengthens the case and reduces the risk of false accusations.

Understanding the Legal Process

Educate yourself about the legal process and the serious implications of filing a restraining order. Understanding the responsibilities and potential consequences can deter individuals from making false claims and encourage them to seek alternative dispute resolution methods.

What to Do If Falsely Accused

Seek Legal Counsel Immediately

If you are falsely accused and a restraining order is filed against you, seek legal counsel immediately. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the legal process, gather evidence to refute the false claims, and represent you in court.

Gather Evidence

Collect any evidence that can help prove the falsity of the accusations. This may include text messages, emails, witness statements, alibis, and any other relevant documentation. Presenting strong evidence can strengthen your defense and discredit the false claims.

File a Counterclaim

Consider filing a counterclaim for malicious prosecution or defamation. If you can prove that the restraining order was filed with malicious intent and caused you harm, you may be entitled to damages. A counterclaim can also deter the filer from pursuing further false accusations.

Maintain Composure and Professionalism

Throughout the legal process, it is essential to maintain composure and professionalism. Avoid confrontations with the filer and adhere to all court orders and legal advice. Demonstrating maturity and responsibility can positively influence the court’s perception of your character.

Wrap Up

Filing a false restraining order is a grave offense with severe legal and personal consequences. From criminal charges and civil liability to damage to reputation and relationships, the repercussions are far-reaching. It is crucial to approach the legal process with honesty, integrity, and credible evidence.